Date: 25/7/2020
Compacting gender based violence during the period of lockdown
Webinar started from 11am and ended up by 12.30p.m.

Cultural Academy for Peace engages in human rights activities and programmes through legal literacy, redress mechanisms, capacity building and to address the violence against women and children. Number of participants: During the session over 41 people took part in the webinar to learn expert advice on the topic.

The Mumbai based Pankhi project with whom Cultural Academy for Peace has together offered this webinar discussing various services for women during the incidence of domestic violence in covid-19 period. In cooperation with the moderating partner Ms. Treesa and host Ms. Anjaly ensured in advance a timely announcement, regarding speakers, topics and timings.
The participants were government officials, college faculties, women and gender groups, senior lawyers,
women survivors, activists and students.

The key note of the session “Gender based violence” was headed by Ms. Beena Sebastian (Gender Specialist and Chairperson, Cultural Academy for Peace). She focused on the characteristics of masculinity and how men and women directly affected the patriarchal norms of gender roles. Also how it gives a negative impact on children while they grew up by seeing the masculine overpower on women.

Ms Deepa M.S, Women Protection Officer Ernakulum District discussed on the topic “Domestic violence as a gender issue”. She gave an insight on how covid-19 has drastically impacted on Domestic Violence and her experience in this field.

The next session was carried by Dr. Suzanna Mathew (Former Consultant in Communicable Disease, Public Health England) on the topic Violence a public health issue. She helped us to know more about the current health issues faced by the public and its consequences.

Many questions were raised by the attendees about the key challenges regarding the availability of shelter homes and how to report cases for victims under D.V Act, which was addressed by both Ms. Deepa M.S and Ms. Beena Sebastian during their sessions.

The webinar was a great success as it reached out the attention of both public and media.